Leibinger JET3up Industrial Inkjet Printer
The Leibinger JET3up industrial inkjet printer is capable of meeting any requirements for inkjet coding and product marking. The Leibinger JET3up marking system offers 800 features and functions:

Interval Mode
The Patented Seal-Tronic system allows the printer to turn on for a programmable amount of time to circulate the ink and perform any self-checks needed then turn itself back off. Thus, saving wear and tear and making sure your back up printer is ready at all times.
Patented Seal-Tronic System seals off the ink system from the outside environment resulting in the cleanest start and stops in the industry. When you need an industrial inkjet printer ready at a moment’s notice this machine will not let you down.
We have noticed in multiple production facilities that plant personnel will have a spare industrial inkjet printer running alongside the printer that is printing on the product, just in case the online printer goes down they can switch to the backup quickly.
The problem with this type of back up is that the printer that is not online is still putting wear on the system even though it is not printing. Downside, if you need this spare printer in an emergency you are basically putting a printer online with the same amount of wear as the one that is being replaced?